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The Mac Cam! Sorry, my image is not being updated right now. Here's the last one taken of me on Friday, 26-Jul-2024 19:06:00 EDT, or choose one from minute(s) ago.
Turn on graphics to see our image!

There are a number of reasons why things are not being updated right now:

  • I sleep in my cage from ~9 p.m. till ~9 a.m., EST.

  • I might be out biting my Daddy (he does pay attention to me once in a while).

  • Daddy might not want to be seen by the camera, so he turns it off!

  • My Daddy is using his computer and turned off the auto-updating of me (can you imagine, his stuff is more important!).

NEW->     The Weekly Mac Shots, the best shots of the prior week are now viewable here. Be sure to also check out Mac Moments, a collection of my amazing moments caught on the camera. You might have actually seen one too! Boko and I have worked out another new page to make sure Daddy keeps working in front of us as much as possible. It's The Mac and Boko Photo Album. Hope you enjoy it!

If you're interested in knowing more about my house, go view the complete specifications. If you want to know how The Mac Cam works, go look here. My geeky Daddy described it to me, so I could only do so much translating his mumbo jumbo to normal words. If you want to ask me questions and/or express your opinions to me, send mail to me. We used to get too much spam so you'll have to type in the word maccam followed by the at sign followed by Let us know if it's for Mac or Boko!

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